Series/Sub-Brand | Stops Rust® |
Color | Aluminum |
Type | Spray Paint |
Size | 11 oz. |
Brand | Rust-Oleum |
Color Family | Gray |
Finish | Metallic |
Material | Oil-Based |
Manufacturer Code | 7715830 |
Surface Preparation: Remove all dirt, grease, oil, salt and chemical contaminants by washing the surface with a commercial detergent, or other suitable cleaning method. Rinse with fresh water and allow to thoroughly dry. Remove loose paint and rust with a wire brush or sandpaper. Previously coated surfaces must be sound and in good condition. Smooth, hard, or glossy finishes should be scarified by sanding to create a surface profile.
Application: Use outdoors or in a well-ventilated area such as an open garage. Use when temperature is between 50-90°F (10-32°C) and humidity is below 70% to ensure proper drying. Do not apply to surfaces that, when heated, exceed 200°F (93°C) or galvanized metal. Avoid spraying in very windy, dusty conditions. Cover surrounding area to protect from spray mist. Shake can vigorously for one minute after the mixing ball begins to rattle. If mixing ball fails to rattle, DO NOT STRIKE CAN. Contact Rust-Oleum. Shake often during use. Hold can upright 10-16" from surface and spray in a steady back-andforth motion, slightly overlapping each stroke. Keep the can the same distance from the surface. Keep the can in motion while spraying. Apply two or more light coats a few minutes apart to avoid drips and runs. Do not use near open flame.
Recoat: Dry and recoat times are based on 70°F and 50% relative humidity. Allow more time at cooler temperatures. Dries to touch in 1 hour and primers may be top coated immediately. Apply a second coat within 1 hour or after 48 hours. A clear coat finish is not recommended.
Clean-Up: Wipe off tip before storing. Clean-up wet paint with xylene or mineral spirits. Properly discard empty container. Do not burn or place in home trash compactor.
Clogging: If the valve clogs, twist and pull off spray tip and rinse in a solvent such as mineral spirits. Do not insert any object into
can valve opening.