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Milesi 1K/2K Water-Based Topcoat, White Base, 20 Sheen, 20 KG

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Milesi’s HKA/HKR water-based polyurethane paints are arguably the best on the market. Utilizing 2K technology to ensure maximum durability, the HKA/HKR sprays and lays out unlike any water-based you have tried and offer an unmatched look. Have a situation where you have to brush-apply? Give it a shot*. We think you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it levels. It can also be used as a 1K (without catalyzing) in those cases where maximum durability is not required. *Always test prior to full-scale application. Use recommended hardener for maximum durability, especially for those surfaces that receive high wear and tear for instance kitchen cabinets. 

For best results, optimum conditions of application are: Ambient temperature between 64- 72 °F, relative humidity of 65-70%, support humidity between 8-14%. Always agitate the products well and other components such as catalysts, accelerators and thinners before and after blending.  

Hardeners for 2K application (maximum durability): HNB40

Recommended retarder: Slow Retarder LTC311

5 KG equals approximately 1.11 gallons

20 KG equals approximately 4.33 gallons

As low as $425.69
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5 Available in stock
  • Use optional hardener for maximum durability
  • Interior use only
  • Recommended for wood substrates and MDF
  • Application recommened airmix sprayed 
  • Always test prior to full-scale application
  • Easy clean up with soap and warm water
More Information
Type1K/2K Topcoat
Size16-20 KG
Paint Sheen20 Sheen
Manufacturer CodeHKR114-20

Application Method: Airmix Spray

Pot Life: Hardener HNB1/HNB40, added 10% weight/volume, pot life of mixed material is 3-4 hours. HNB1 hardener must be mechanically mixed into the resin. HNB40 does not require mechanical agitation.

Dry Time: Wait a minimum of 24 hours before stacking.  Completely dry after- 96 hours.

Clean-Up: Clean up equipment immediately after use with soap and water.  Fluid lines can be flushed with a 1:1 mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol. 

Fluid Form, Viscosity: 60 s (ISO 6 mm) at 20 deg C (Kinematic), Specific Gravity: 1.198 g/cu-cm at 20 deg C

Non-Flammable: Yes, VOC level: 3.8%, Flash Point: 100 deg C

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